Kusunoki Masashige-14 viewsKusunoki Masashige (1294 - 1336) reads "Mirai-ki" to his troops for encouragement in Shitenno-ji Temple.
9 viewsMinamoto no Tokiaki is learning a special tune with "sho" (a musical instrument of many reeds) from his father, Yoshimitsu.
9 viewsSaimyoji Tokiyori Nyudo. Sano Tsuneyo and his wife cut up their precious bonsai trees for firewood to warm up a strange guest in a cold snowy night. The stranger was the regent Hojo Tokiyori (1226-63) who was disguised as a monk to see the lives of his people.
68 viewsIruka Daijin and Ooe-no-oji
8 viewsMinamoto no Yoriyoshi strikes out water from the rocks.
9 viewsBenkei and Yoshitsune are battling on the Gojo Bridge in Kyoto.
10 viewsMinamoto no Yorinobu (968 - 1048) on horse back, swims across a bay to attack the rebellious Tadatsune.
Kiyomori-10 viewsTaira no Kiyomori (1118 - 81), the tyrant, beckons the sun to remain still so that the workmen can complete their works.
Fishing-12 viewsTakeuchi no Sukune who supported Empress Jingo's Korean expedition. They are fishing together at the seashore of Chikuzen before the expedition.
Hideyoshi-10 viewsToyotomi Hideyoshi (1537 - 98) and Kato Kiyomasa after an earthquake.
Cranes-12 viewsShogun Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147 - 99), the founder of the first warrior government and the brother of Yoshitsune, releases cranes (a pious Buddhist practice) on the sea shore.
Yamato-13 viewsYamato Takeru-no-mikoto. He was the son of Emperor Keiko. He lead the successful campaigns against the native tribes in various places in Japan.