Dancing for the Sun Goddess-9 views"Dainippon Shi Ryaku Zue" (Abbreviated Picture of Japanese History) Scene of dancing party in front of the hiding place of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. The goddess heard all the noise in front of her hiding cave. She became curious and peeked out what was going on. When the light shines through the cave door, the gods and the people could remove the door and persuade the goddess to come out to shine the world again.
Viewing Noh-7 views "Tokaido Meisho no Uchi" (The Scenic Places of Tokaido). This large series by different artists and publishers was made for the commemoration of shogun Tokugawa Iemochi's historic travel from Edo to Kyoto to pay respect to the emperor. Shogun is watching a noh play at Daidai in Kyoto.
Fisher Woman-10 views"Tokaido Meisho no Uchi" (The Scenic Places of Tokaido). This large series by different artists and publishers was made for the commemoration of shogun Tokugawa Iemochi's historic travel from Edo to Kyoto to pay respect to the emperor. Shogun is looking at the sea waves and the workers at Takashi Bay near Osaka.
Hirade Iki-12 views"Kinsei Kyogi Den" (Biographies of Modern Men) Hirade Iki holds the head of Takashima Godaifu.
Saigo Meets Young Volunteers-6 viewsKabuki actors are in the roles of the members of Satsuma rebellion. Ichikawa Danjuro (right) is in the role of SAIGO Takamori whose name was changed to "SAIJO Takamori" in this kabuki play. He and Kurata Shinhachiro (played by Onoe Kikugoro) are meeting with the young volunteers who came to farewell.
Saigo Meets Young Volunteers-5 viewsKabuki actors are in the roles of the members of Satsuma rebellion. Ichikawa Danjuro (right) is in the role of SAIGO Takamori whose name was changed to "SAIJO Takamori" in this kabuki play. He and Kurata Shinhachiro (played by Onoe Kikugoro) are meeting with the young volunteers who came to farewell.
Saigo Meets Young Volunteers-7 viewsKabuki actors are in the roles of the members of Satsuma rebellion. Ichikawa Danjuro (right) is in the role of SAIGO Takamori whose name was changed to "SAIJO Takamori" in this kabuki play. He and Kurata Shinhachiro (played by Onoe Kikugoro) are meeting with the young volunteers who came to farewell.
Carp-17 views
Jail Bird-8 views "Yubin; Hochi-Shinbun" An Insert for the Hochi Newspaper. No. 525. The outlaw, Yoshizo tried to escape from a prison.
Iba Hachiro-7 views"Meiyo Shindan" (New Honorable Stories) Sword master Iba Hachiro.
Kondo Isami-4 views "Meiyo Shindan" (New Honorable Stories) Kondo Isami, the leader of "Shinsen-gumi" group (a type of police organization in Kyoto).
Question-7 views"Kaisei; Gof Touki" At the peace talk between Oda and Tokugawa Clans, two Oda samurai questioned Uemura Ietsugu why he was holding a sword in the peace negotiation. He shouted back that he was the sword-retainer for the Tokugawa and obligated to protect his lord under any circumstances.