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    Everyday Story of Enmei-15 views "Enmeiin Nichijo Banashi" (Everyday Story of Enmei).
    Shogun and Courtesan-8 views "Tokugawa Chiseki: Nenkan Gyoji" (Tokugawa Era; The Events throughout the Year) The 5th Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi (right) and courtesan Omachi of Omiuraya (left sheet).
    ca. 1872-73
    Shogun and Courtesan-7 views "Tokugawa Chiseki: Nenkan Gyoji" (Tokugawa Era; The Events throughout the Year) The 5th Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi (right) and courtesan Omachi of Omiuraya (left sheet).
    ca. 1872-73
    Shogun and Courtesan-7 views "Tokugawa Chiseki: Nenkan Gyoji" (Tokugawa Era; The Events throughout the Year) The 5th Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi (right) and courtesan Omachi of Omiuraya (left sheet).
    ca. 1872-73
    Abalone Diver in Dragon Palace-13 views "Ukiyo Kyoga" (Fun and Crazy Pictures of the World). Some toxic air by abalone diver in the Dragon Palace in the ocean.
    Linage of the Tokugawa Shoguns-10 viewsThe print shows imaginative portraits of the 15 Tokugawa Shoguns linage, from Ieyasu to Yoshinobu (Keiki). The 5th Shogun Tsunayoshi, the "Dog Shogun", appears with his pet dog. Ieyasu is at the top center wearing full armor.
    Linage of the Tokugawa Shoguns-8 viewsThe print shows imaginative portraits of the 15 Tokugawa Shoguns linage, from Ieyasu to Yoshinobu (Keiki). The 5th Shogun Tsunayoshi, the "Dog Shogun", appears with his pet dog. Ieyasu is at the top center wearing full armor.
    Linage of the Tokugawa Shoguns-6 viewsThe print shows imaginative portraits of the 15 Tokugawa Shoguns linage, from Ieyasu to Yoshinobu (Keiki). The 5th Shogun Tsunayoshi, the "Dog Shogun", appears with his pet dog. Ieyasu is at the top center wearing full armor.
    Bloody Suicide-14 viewsOutlaw Shirai Gonpachi commited bloody suicide. The Crepe print is a mechanically wrinkled print sold as a "curiosity" item. It was often used for children's books, also, because it was more resistant to tears and soil.
    Bloody Suicide-11 viewsOutlaw Shirai Gonpachi commited bloody suicide. The Crepe print is a mechanically wrinkled print sold as a "curiosity" item. It was often used for children's books, also, because it was more resistant to tears and soil.
    Viewing Noh-5 views"Tokaido Meisho no Uchi" (The Scenic Places of Tokaido). This large series by different artists and publishers was made for the commemoration of shogun Tokugawa Iemochi's historic travel from Edo to Kyoto to pay respect to the emperor. Shogun is watching a noh play at Daidai in Kyoto.
    Last Shogun-11 views "Tokugawa Chiseki Nenkan Kiji" (Tokugawa Family Annual Almanac) The 15th Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu standing on a boat. He peacefully abdicated his power to the new Meiji government.
    121 Фото на 11 страницах 6

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