Strike a Fountain-15 viewsMinamoto-no-Yoriyoshi (995-1082) struck a rock from which clear water gushed out. The water rescued his troops from the thirst during the drought in 1054.
Yoshimasa in Black Cape-16 viewsHigashiyama (Ashikaga) Yoshimasa in black robe and his attendant watch the birds flying over a cold river on a windy evening.
Taira no Shigemori-16 viewsKomatsu Naidaijin Taira no Shigemori.
Raiko and Shuten Doji-14 viewsMinamoto no Raiko (Yorimitsu) and his four retainers in the Shuten-doji's wild party. Shuten-doji was a violent and dangerous chief of robber-bandits who lived in Mt.Ooe. He ate human flesh and drunk enormous amount of sake without any sign of intoxication. Raiko put the magical sleeping pills which he had received from a "sennin" into Shuten-doji's drinks. Afterwards, Raiko and his retainers could finally eradicate Doji and the robber groups from Mt. Ooe and restored the peace in Kyoto.
Shingen-15 viewsWar lord, Uesugi Terutora Nyudo Kenshin dances in front of a bonfire.
Karitamaro-17 viewsSakanoue-no-Karitamaro shoots his enemy, Kunjumaro.
Hideyoshi-12 viewsoyotomi Hideyoshi (1537 - 98) and Kato Kiyomasa after an earthquake.
Shingen-15 viewsFamous war lord, Takeda Shingen (1521 - 73), got out near the enemy field to listen to the sound of crickets.
Hideyoshi-14 viewsToyotomi Hideyoshi (1537 - 98) and Kato Kiyomasa after an earthquake.
Oda Nobunaga-17 viewsThe fiery death battle of Oda Nobunaga (1534 - 82) at Honno-ji temple.
Ghost and Serpent-16 viewsEmperor Nintoku's general Tamichi was killed by a poison arrow in a battle against Ezo. His ghost appears as a huge serpent and terrorizes the enemy. One guy just had his head swallowed.
1880 February 20