Susano-o and Princess Inada-9 viewsSusano-o-mikoto and princess Inada-hime. Susano-o set up eight huge sake barrels to bate eight-headed sea monster which had been terrorizing the village of Inada-hime. After the monster drunk the sake, he chopped off all eight heads and rescued the princess.
Koremori and Demon-11 viewsTaira-no-Koremochi battles against the demon of Mt.Togakushi.
Yoshimasa in Black Cape-6 viewsHigashiyama (Ashikaga)Yoshimasa in black robe and his attendant watch the birds flying over a cold river on a windy evening.
Yorinobu and Monster Deer-9 viewsMinamoto no Yorinobu kills a monster deer.
Taira no Shigemori-8 viewsKomatsu Naidaijin Taira no Shigemori.
Wandering Regent-9 viewsSaimyoji Tokiyori Nyudo. Sano Tsuneyo and his wife cut up their precious bonsai trees for firewood to warm up a strange guest in a cold snowy night. The stranger was the regent Hojo Tokiyori (1226-63) who was disguised as a monk to see the lives of his people.
Minamoto Yorimasa-9 viewsMinamoto Yorimasa (1106-80) and his squire.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi-8 viewsToyotomi Hideyoshi (1537 - 98) and Kato Kiyomasa after an earthquake.
Burning Ship-9 viewsEmperor Shujaku's general, Ono no Yoshifuru Ason (888-968) watches the burning ship at the war against Fujiwara Sumitomo.