Cloth Beating Moon-13 viewsA woman beats cloth to loosen its fabric in order to distract herself from sad thoughts. Her servant sits next to her.
Akashi Gidayu and Tiger-7 viewsAkashi Gidayu, a general in the army of Akechi Mitushide, prepares to commit "seppuku" suicide after the defeat. The glaring eyes of the tiger on the behind screen witness his deed.
Kenshin-11 viewsGeneral Uesugi Kenshin contemplates a poem looking at the full moon and the flying geese. The chivalrous rivalry between him and Takeda Shingen was well documented and the favorite subjects in several novels and plays such as "The Battles of Kawanakajima" by Chikamatsu.
Moon of the Red Cliffs-12 views1889
Dawn Moon and Tumbling Snow-13 viewsKobayashi Heihachiro was a retainer for Lord Moronao in Chushingura. He fends off four Ronin attackers in a cold moon lit night in the snow.
Lunacy-13 views"Tsuki no Monogurui- fumihiroge" Ochiyo became mad when she heard of her lover's death. She walks on the Gojo Bridge rolling and unrolling the scroll which was sent from her lover.
Hidetsugu-11 viewsPoem by Toyotomi Hidetsugu, "Did I ever imagine that as the clouds of the high autumn sky cleared, I would view the moon through a bamboo lattice window". He was Toyotomi Hideyoshi's adopted son. After the brief period of military career, his behaviors became increasingly erratic and violent. He was confined in a temple on Mt. Koya, south of Kyoto. He committed suicide in 1595.
Mount Miyaji Moon-8 viewsFujiwara no Moronaga plays "biwa" (lute) while he was exiled in Shikoku island.
Ishiyama Moon-10 viewsLady Murasaki, the auther of "The Tale of Genji" is deep in thoughts on a balcony facing ragged stone mountains and the full moon.
Mount Ashigara Moon-6 viewsMinamoto no Yoshimutsu (1056-1127) plays "sho" (a small mouth organ with several bamboo reeds).
Seson Temple Moon-9 viewsCaptain Yoshitaka who was an accomplished poet.
Shizu Peak Moon-10 viewsToyotomi Hideyoshi blows his conshell to signal his troop to attack. The copy of his "sunburst" helmet is still displayed in Osaka Castle.