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    Coup d' État at Sakurada Gate-5 views"Mito Sanka no Yuki". The gory distorted figures convey the gruesome scene of the assassination of Ii Naosuke by Mito Samurai group. Ii Naosuke (the lord of Hikone and the Great Councillor of the Tokugawa Shogunate) was the man responsible for opening Japan to the West for which he was assassinated at the Sakurada-mon Gate on a snowy morning in March, 1860.
    Coup d' État at Sakurada Gate-7 views"Mito Sanka no Yuki". The gory distorted figures convey the gruesome scene of the assassination of Ii Naosuke by Mito Samurai group. Ii Naosuke (the lord of Hikone and the Great Councillor of the Tokugawa Shogunate) was the man responsible for opening Japan to the West for which he was assassinated at the Sakurada-mon Gate on a snowy morning in March, 1860.
    Pictures of Japanese Emperors-7 views"Koukoku Rekidai Kinnou Kisoi" Several prominent Japanese emperors and their family members.
    Pictures of Japanese Emperors-10 views"Koukoku Rekidai Kinnou Kisoi" Several prominent Japanese emperors and their family members.
    Pictures of Japanese Emperors-10 views"Koukoku Rekidai Kinnou Kisoi" Several prominent Japanese emperors and their family members.
    Flute Player Triptych-6 views"The Flute Player" Fujiwara no Yasumasa (958 - 1036) was a famous musician. Here he plays his flute while walking back home in a moor. A man wanted to rob him his clothing but was enchanted by his music and ended up following him until his home. Then Yasumasa took notice of the robber, gave the man his robe and told him, "Next time, ask." This triptych is one of the best know designs by Yoshitoshi.
    Flute Player Triptych-6 views"The Flute Player" Fujiwara no Yasumasa (958 - 1036) was a famous musician. Here he plays his flute while walking back home in a moor. A man wanted to rob him his clothing but was enchanted by his music and ended up following him until his home. Then Yasumasa took notice of the robber, gave the man his robe and told him, "Next time, ask." This triptych is one of the best know designs by Yoshitoshi.
    Flute Player Triptych-5 views"The Flute Player" Fujiwara no Yasumasa (958 - 1036) was a famous musician. Here he plays his flute while walking back home in a moor. A man wanted to rob him his clothing but was enchanted by his music and ended up following him until his home. Then Yasumasa took notice of the robber, gave the man his robe and told him, "Next time, ask." This triptych is one of the best know designs by Yoshitoshi.
    17 views "Shingata Sanju-roku Kai Sen" (New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts) The enlightenment of the famous courtesan, Jigokudayu. She had a vision of procession of skeletons which used to be courtesans.
    Spirit of Cherry Tree-18 views"Shingata Sanju-roku Kai Sen" (New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts) The spirit of Komachi cherry tree in the kabuki play, "Tsumoru Koi Yuki Seki no To".
    Hikoshichi carries a Demon-14 views "Shingata Sanju-roku Kai Sen" (New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts) Oomori Hikoshichi helped a woman to cross a river. He noticed she was actually a demon by the reflection on the water.
    Oniwaka and Giant Carp-8 views"Shingata Sanju-roku Kai Sen" (New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts) Oniwakamaru (later known as Musashibo Benkei) observes a giant carp in the stream.
    121 Фото на 11 страницах 3

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