Chikubushima Moon-16 viewsThe renowned lute player, Taira no Tsunemasa, dedicates his music to the goddess Benten at Chikubu Island. He wears full armor sitting on a black bear skin.
Chikubushima Moon - Tsunemasa # 28-7 views"Tsuki Hyakushi; Shikubushima no Tsuki" (One Hundred Aspects of the Moon; Chikubushima Moon) The renowned lute player, Taira no Tsunemasa, dedicates his music to the goddess Benten at Chikubu Island.
Chofo Village Moon-4 viewsThe moon at Chofu village. Under the full moon, only the sounds of cloth pounding and the river echo the peaceful scenery. Chofu village at the Jewel River was known for cloth making.
Chofu Village Moon-21 viewsTwo women are pounding cloth in Chofu village near the six Jewel Rivers. Chofu was famous for its cloth making industry.
Cloth Beating Moon-13 viewsA woman beats cloth to loosen its fabric in order to distract herself from sad thoughts. Her servant sits next to her.
Coast of Kiyomi-10 viewsThe renowned general, Takeda Shingen (1521-73) looks at Mt. Fuji over the coast of Kiyomi. He was also the main character of Akira Kurosawa's movie, "Kagemusha" (The Shadow Warrior).
Cooling off at Shijo - Tsuki Hyakushi # 11-6 views"Tsuki Hyakushi; Shijo Noryo" (One Hundred Aspects of the Moon; Cooling off at Shiro) A girl is cooling off at the restaurant bench on the bank of Shijo River in Kyoto.
Cooling off at Shijo - Tsuki Hyakushi # 11-9 views"Tsuki Hyakushi; Shijo Noryo" (One Hundred Aspects of the Moon; Cooling off at Shiro) A girl is cooling off at the restaurant bench on the bank of Shijo River in Kyoto.
Dawn Moon of the Shinto Shrine-17 viewsA float and a rooster on a drum (a symbol of a good government) in a procession for a Shinto festival.
Dawn Moon of the Shinto Shrine-10 viewsA float and a rooster on a drum (a symbol of a good government) in a procession for a Shinto festival.
Demon's Leg-3 viewsMinamoto no Tsunenobu encounters a demon at night.
Evening-face Vine-4 views "Tsuki Hyaku Shi" (One Hundred Aspects of the Moon) a peasant couple are watching the moon under "yugao"(Evening Face) arbor in a hot summer night.