Tsuki Hyakushi - One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
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Chikubushima Moon-13 viewsThe renowned lute player, Taira no Tsunemasa, dedicates his music to the goddess Benten at Chikubu Island. He wears full armor sitting on a black bear skin.

Mount Ji Ming Moon-12 viewsOn a hill overlooking the enemy camp, General Zi Fang (Jp: Shibo) played a few melodies from the enemy hometown. The enemy soldiers became homesick and ran away.

The Moon's Inner Vision-15 viewsThe death battle of the blind warrior, Taira no Tomoume. He carries his personal emblem on his back, "From darkness, I have wandered lost on to a darker path. The moon of my heart is becoming clouded."

Dawn Moon of the Shinto Shrine-10 viewsA float and a rooster on a drum (a symbol of a good government) in a procession for a Shinto festival.

Kitayama Moon-10 viewsToyohara Sumiaki, 16th C, was a renowned flute musician. One moon-lit night, he wandered into the wilderness of Kitayama. Suddenly a pack of wolves surrounded him. He thought he was going to be killed. He played his favorite flute for the last time. But the wolves became spellbound by his music. They disappeared into the woods leaving him unharmed.

Takakura Moon-11 viewsHasebe Nobutsura looks after the fleeing Prince Mochihito and Minamoto no Munenobu. They are disguised as women.

Inamura Promontory-10 viewsNitta Yoshisada prayed to the Sea God and dedicated his sword into the sea at Inamura Promontory. Next day, the tide webbed unusually low, so Yoshisada's army could cross the water margin to defeat the enemy.

The Moon of the Milky Way-11 viewsIn Chinese and Japanese legend, Vega (the Weaver) and Altair (the Herds boy) are separated by the Milky Way. They can meet each other only once a year. In that night, the magpies extend their wings to form a bridge over the Milky Way so that the lovers can meet.

Mount Otowa Moon-10 viewsSakanoe no Tamuramaro was a general who had lead successful campaigns against the enemies of the emperor in the Nara period. After his death, he was enshrined as Bright God Tamura. Here, his gray ghostly image is depicted as an ancient warrior sweeping cherry blossoms from Kiyomizu temple in the background.

Coast of Kiyomi-10 viewsThe renowned general, Takeda Shingen (1521-73) looks at Mt. Fuji over the coast of Kiyomi. He was also the main character of Akira Kurosawa's movie, "Kagemusha" (The Shadow Warrior).

Theater-District Moon-16 viewsAt dawn, people in the theater district go home after a night of parties and entertainments.

Kumasaka-13 viewsThe ghost of Kumasaka wearing a priest's hat, Noh mask and robes. This print with light background is rare and the earlier variant than the one with blue background.
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