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    Prince Genji in Peony Garden-12 viewsPrince Genji is surrounded by beautiful ladies and large peonies. Rather rare Yoshitoshi's traditional "Kunisada style" bijin triptych.
    Sadanobu and Demon-8 views "Shingata Sanju-roku Kai Sen" (New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts) Sadanobu (Fujiwara no Tadahira) threatens a demon in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto.
    Sanetaka-11 views "Shingata Sanju-roku Kai Sen" (New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts) Fujiwara no Sanetaka was obsessed with sparrows. He was sent to the northern part of Japan as punishment. He imagined himself to be one of the free flying sparrows.
    Chiyoda Shrine-9 views"Tokaido Meisho no Uchi" (The Famous Places in Tokaido) This series was co-worked by Yoshitoshi, Kunisada II, Hiroshige II and Kyosai. A long feudal lord procession at Chiyoda Shrine. The crowd in white kimono are fox instead of human.
    Oiko-11 views"Takashima Oiko no hanashi" Story about Takashima O'iko, lady with Herculean strength.
    Oiko-10 views"Takashima Oiko no hanashi" Story about Takashima O'iko, lady with Herculean strength.
    Saigo Takamori committing Seppuku Suicide-13 viewsSAIGO Takamori is about committing seppuku suicide. Murata Shinhachiro and Kirino Yoshiaki are next to him. The explosions and war fires rage in the distance. They were the last survivors of Kagoshima (Satsuma) Rebellion. The hit movie, "The Last Samurai" featuring Tom Cruise was loosely based on the fight of Takamori against the Meiji government. (This design is in the collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA).
    Saigo Takamori committing Seppuku Suicide-9 viewsSAIGO Takamori is about committing seppuku suicide. Murata Shinhachiro and Kirino Yoshiaki are next to him. The explosions and war fires rage in the distance. They were the last survivors of Kagoshima (Satsuma) Rebellion. The hit movie, "The Last Samurai" featuring Tom Cruise was loosely based on the fight of Takamori against the Meiji government. (This design is in the collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA).
    Saigo Takamori committing Seppuku Suicide-9 viewsSAIGO Takamori is about committing seppuku suicide. Murata Shinhachiro and Kirino Yoshiaki are next to him. The explosions and war fires rage in the distance. They were the last survivors of Kagoshima (Satsuma) Rebellion. The hit movie, "The Last Samurai" featuring Tom Cruise was loosely based on the fight of Takamori against the Meiji government. (This design is in the collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA).
    Swinging from Bamboo-9 views "Honcho Chijin Eiyu Kagami" (The Mirror of Wisdom, Loyality and Heroes). Hino Kumawaka (later Chunagon Hino Kunimitsu) uses bamboo to cross over a moat.
    Dancing for the Sun Goddess-9 views"Dainippon Shi Ryaku Zue" (Abbreviated Picture of Japanese History) Scene of dancing party in front of the hiding place of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. The goddess heard all the noise in front of her hiding cave. She became curious and peeked out what was going on. When the light shines through the cave door, the gods and the people could remove the door and persuade the goddess to come out to shine the world again.
    Dancing for the Sun Goddess-11 views"Dainippon Shi Ryaku Zue" (Abbreviated Picture of Japanese History) Scene of dancing party in front of the hiding place of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. The goddess heard all the noise in front of her hiding cave. She became curious and peeked out what was going on. When the light shines through the cave door, the gods and the people could remove the door and persuade the goddess to come out to shine the world again.
    121 Фото на 11 страницах 2

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